This world sometimes wears you down. You forget who you truly are deep inside. You give too much of yourself away to things that don’t deserve your time and attention. You take care of everyone in your life except yourself. You lose touch with your creativity, joy and intuition, even your body and its wisdom. You become overwhelmed, just trying to keep up. You forget that you need to practice radical self-care, that you need to refill your well and DRINK AS YOU POUR….
If you don’t dip into the nectar now and again your creativity dries up. You get blocked. It’s vital to stay in the flow and give yourself the time and space to be with your creativity in whatever form she takes. Or you get creatively frustrated, stuck.
You need sacred safe containers for exploration and excavation, for hearing the wild whisper of your intuition to awaken your wild woman creative self, replenish your spark and energy so that you can be MORE ALIVE because the world needs women who have come alive.
We paint to fall in love with ourselves again.
We paint to shed the shells we have to wear in the world, to lay down our armor and take up the brush.
We paint to slip into the dreamtime and move at the pace of guidance.
We breathe fully and deep into our bellies.
We drop in.
We dance to feel connected to the earth under our feet, reminding us we are supported, we are loved.
We lose ourselves in the paint to find our way again, to cut a deeper groove.
We open to the mystery and let her have her way with us.
We hold space for the magic of emergence, for the things craving to be seen and witnessed.
We paint to open and receive, wider…wider…wider…
We are ravished by our senses.
We discover an intimacy within ourselves.
We learn how to love our self a little bit more. We find balance between our power & strength and our vulnerability so we can be gentle warriors. We notice.
We pause.
We act with conviction birthed anew from a deeper well.
We paint to let our hearts mend.
We paint so the tears can fall.
We hold our brokenness with fierce and gentle love, knowing we are never truly broken.
We paint with glitter because glitter makes everything better.
We remember what its like to laugh until our bellies are sore.
We paint to be visited by surprise, delight & joy, to flirt with our muse and be like the flower, ripe for feasting from the bee.
We paint to find the edge of our wildness and tiptoe into the vastness of the unknown.
We sit in circle to give and receive soul wisdom, an ancient practice women have done for years.
We paint to find our own distinct rhythms.
We birth our goddess archetypes and start listening to their whispers.
We turn our face to the sun.
We send our hopes and prayers out to the world on the wings of butterflies and in the smoke of fire pujas.
We are reverent. We are profane. We are real & raw. We are true.
We vow not to let go of this new glimpse of ourselves. We commit to our dance and to moving our beauty thru the world because we are a gift of grace. We know this truth deep in our bones.
This is why we paint…