There was a little girl who loved butterflies and they loved her because she understood their purpose and magical ability to transform from a caterpillar with its knowledge of the earth & depths of the soil into a winged creature…. so light & carefree…floating & dancing its beauty thru the world.

This little girl grew up into a beautiful, vibrant, powerful woman who always kept her butterflies close as a reminder of the journey of transformation.

Because in order for a butterfly to leave the cocoon and become its whimsical wonderful winged self it must struggle against the confinement of the enclosed cocoon and push very hard to get out of the shell in order to strengthen its wings so they are ready to fly.

And then the butterflies emerge in all their glorious color and fly…fly to the sky…. and are free to flit and flirt and frolic.

So when you see a butterfly, remember that she had to earn her wings and push push push her way through.

The end.